Sandcastles and Sundowners

Time to take the train down to the seashore (whatever your age) put on a sun hat, some sun screen and enjoy the summer! 

There are rock pools with fishes and barnacles; golden grains to turn into sandcastles; picnics with ice creams, candy floss and donuts; you can paddle up to your ankles; low tide for shell seekers and high tide for surf boarders; screechy seagulls; plenty of sand to get into sandwiches (the word sand is there already!). Live out an Enid Blyton book with lashings of lemonade and ginger beer.

Everyone can mix and mingle happily on the beach,

‘The Owl and The Pussy-cat went to sea

In a beautiful pea-green boat…’ (Edward Lear, 19th century)

Let your imagination flow, live a little nonsense like Victorian poet Edward Lear, then go home ‘dance to the light of the moon’ and be serious for the rest of the week…thinking fondly of the fun you can have beside the sea with time and rhyme!